Another Client Successful on Appeal
View through to site from main street.
A scheme for two dwellings on a backland site in Lavendon was refused in October 2016 on the grounds that its scale and appearance “weakened” the Conservation Area and detrimentally affected an adjacent Listed Building.
I carried out a brief Conservation Area Character Appraisal which argued that backland development was in fact part of the village’s historic character and that the proposed development was visually consistent with the character and appearance of the historic buildings in the village, concluding that the Conservation Area and a nearby Listed Building remained unaffected.
This went in with the appeal papers to the Planning Inspectorate and the decision to uphold the appeal (and grant consent) came through in March 2017.
The obvious message here is that councils are not always correct in their technical assessments of heritage (and actually other planning) matters, and that it is possible through carefully constructed rebuttals from professionals like myself to obtain the required consents through the Government appeal process.